Have you noticed how many news outlets slate the news
stories to their own liking regardless of the facts or the lack of details? To
get a good source of the news requires some digging for the truth. Some sources
I use to get the news without some much bias, here’s what I read.
- For national and international news you can go to Reuters.com
- Build your own news site using my.Yahoo.com, MSN.com, or similar web site
- Look for web sites that analyze the data to produce news reports that provide an accurate story, one example is americanthinker.com
Everyone has biases, so every author of a story will either
purposely or accidently insert their own bias just like I’m doing; my bias is
that so many news stories are dramatized and includes so much speculation, I
just want the facts! If a news organization wants to speculate, they should
state that this is their theory or what they think might have happened.