Monday, June 14, 2010

Church IT Management Survey Status

My dissertation research survey in church IT management reached it's objective over the weekend with 72 completions out of 103 invitations, which is nearly a 70% participation rate. Normally the participation rate for Web-based surveys run from 30-60% with they typical on the lower half. The survey is now closed as of today 14 June.

Thanks to all those who participated. I will be posting my findings on the Church IT Roundtable Web pages.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Secure Google Searching

Google finally has a secure SSL encrypted web site for their search engine. Check it out at:

Friday, June 4, 2010

Final Church IT Survey Now In Progress

I kicked off my graduate research study in church IT management on 3rd of June, it will run two weeks till the 17th of June. If you are an IT professional (paid or as a volunteer) located in the U.S. and want to participate, check out the data on the Church IT Roundtable web site. The study's targeted population is members/participants of the IT Roundtable.

Thanks to those who have already participated in this survey and my two pilot studies.